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By Natasha McEnroe on

Your Mask Selfie

Share your #MaskSelfie with us and help document the coronavirus pandemic for future generations

Venture outside at the moment – whether to buy essentials, travel to work or for daily exercise – and you’ll often see people wearing a mask or face covering. Perhaps you have worn one too.

From scarfs to surgical masks, many of us are covering our nose and mouth to protect ourselves and others from the coronavirus.

The current Government advice is to wear ‘face coverings’ on public transport or in shops where social distancing is difficult. Scientific evidence supports this, suggesting masks and face coverings may help curb the pandemic by stopping those who are infectious but symptom-free from infecting others.

To protect vital medical PPE supplies, many people are making their own masks.

Homemade masks are an increasingly common sight, combining infection control with ingenuity, unique design and materials. They illustrate both medical and personal responses to the pandemic, providing an opportunity to publicly express our personality and identity at a time when normal social interactions are challenging.

To help capture a snapshot of life during the pandemic, we’re asking you to submit a selfie with your homemade mask.

Homemade mask selfies, l-r: Briony, Binita, Misty and Will.

Share your #MaskSelfie with us on social media (by tagging @sciencemuseum on Twitter or Instagram) or via email and we’ll display it below, documenting your unique responses to coronavirus through homemade masks. We can’t wait to discover the stories behind your homemade masks.

Later, once it’s safe to do so, we aim to add a selection of these masks to the Science Museum Group Collection (we’ll be in touch if we are interested in your mask) as part of our Collecting COVID-19 Project.

For your own safety, please do not post any masks to us now.

Together with prototype medical devices, ‘Stay home. Protect the NHS. Save Lives’ signage from the Government’s daily briefing and other coronavirus related items, the homemade masks that join our collection will provide a permanent record of medical, scientific, cultural and personal responses to the pandemic.

Homemade masks

These great homemade masks have a tartan, different tartan, leaf, floral, Lion King and dog patterns. Further selfies will be added as they are shared with us.

Discover more about our Collecting COVID-19 Project or the science behind the pandemic.

If you have an item you wish to donate to the Science Museum Group, please follow this guidance on donations.